Matura podstawowa – czytanie – ćwiczenie 17

Przeczytaj tekst. Dobierz właściwe podsumowanie (A–H) do każdego fragmentu tekstu. Wpisz odpowiednią literę w miejsca 4.1.–4.7. Uwaga: jedno podsumowanie zostało podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnego fragmentu tekstu. Za każde poprawne rozwiązanie otrzymasz 1 punkt.

A. Plan when to meet each candidate.
B. Talk to the candidate’s colleagues.
C. Divide the selection process into parts.
D. Think of the right place.
E. Note down every phone call.
F. Prepare a few questions to ask over the phone.
G. Don’t hurry with the final decision.
H. Talk it over with other flatmates.

With your phone ringing and messages filling up your e-mail box, are you still trying to decide how to select your new flatmate? Here’s some advice which may be useful.

Choosing your ideal flatmate is a difficult task so it is a good idea to break it down into a few steps. Then you don’t have to worry about everything at the same time and it allows you to concentrate on each bit individually.
To start with, you need to limit the number of candidates to about ten names. To do so, you will have to decide on 4 or 5 things you would like to ask people about when you call them. This way you can find out more about each person and decide if you want to meet them or not.
Write a list of people who you would like to see and invite them for an interview. When arranging interviews, it’s smart to meet with potential flatmates a few hours apart, so that you don’t have to stop talking to someone because the next candidate is waiting.
Flatmate interviews are usually informal and can be held at different locations. It is advisable to meet outside your flat. For example, you could hold interviews in a local café or a shopping centre. Another option is taking a walk in the park.

If you already share a flat with other people, you will need to find out how they feel about the person and select a new flatmate together. You can do this by comparing each candidate to the profile of the perfect flatmate you’ve all agreed on.
Even when you have chosen the best candidate, don’t give the answer right away. Tell the person you will ring them the following day. If you still feel confident about your choice in the morning, it’s a sign the choice was right.
If possible, ask people who study or work with your potential flatmate for an opinion. They can tell you in what situations it might be difficult to get on with this person and what he or she is like. In this way you can discover any hidden surprises.
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