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Did you ever wonder why planes are painted white? Well, when planes leave the factory, they are usually green, but then almost 1. _____ of them are painted white. Sure, some have stripes, decorations, and logos in different colours, but the dominant colour is almost always white. It seems a bit strange but there are good 2. _____ for it. Firstly, white doesn’t fade away, and when a white plane gets old, it still looks fresh compared to a dark-coloured plane. 3. _____ it’s easier to sell such a plane. It’s enough to remove the company’s name and logo. Painting a whole plane is expensive. It can 4. _____ up to $200,000. Secondly, white paint means better visibility in the sky. For example, it is easier to see a white plane 5. _____ night. Additionally, any damage to the outside of the plane is more noticeable on white paint. And finally, white became the standard colour because white objects reflect light, which in turn lowers the temperature inside the cabin.
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