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A. Vancouver, Canada
Regularly performing well in worldwide “livable city” rankings, Vancouver has a new ambitious goal of becoming “the greenest city in the world” by 2020. Now, the city leads the world in hydroelectric power and regularly uses wind, solar and wave power. Thanks to numerous bike lanes, public transport services relying largely on electric trolley buses, and the widespread use of LED for street lighting, Vancouver has the lowest carbon emissions on the continent, outracing other major cities which failed to introduce equally effective solutions. It has also introduced a strict green code that all current residential construction developments must conform to.
B. Oslo, Norway
With more than two-thirds of its municipality covered in forest, waterways and agricultural land, Oslo is one of Europe’s leading sustainable cities. Examples of pioneering practices include: intelligent lighting that dims when the weather and flow rate of vehicles permit, and eco-certification of work places involving 43,000 employees in companies, schools and kindergartens. Another green idea is the use of municipal waste to recover energy to heat offices and residential buildings. In fact, the city’s heating system is powered mainly by renewable energy, which annually saves carbon emissions equivalent to 60,000 vehicles.
C. Curitiba, Brazil
Named the “Best Place to Live in Brazil,” Curitiba is regularly praised for its sustainability and conservation efforts. There are more than 52 square metres of green space per person, which means 1.5 million trees and a network of 28 parks. Some 2.3 million people a day use Curitiba’s fast transit service based on buses – a model of efficiency eagerly adopted by many other cities including Los Angeles. Ninety percent of residents recycle their garbage and the city officials have come up with an innovative program that allows each citizen to exchange trash for fruit and vegetables from the local farmers’ market. This has greatly minimized litter and waste especially in the poor sections of Curitiba.
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