Matura rozszerzona – czytanie, ćwiczenie 9

Przeczytaj tekst, który został podzielony na trzy części (A–C), oraz pytania go dotyczące (1.–4.). Do każdego pytania dopasuj właściwą część tekstu. Wpisz rozwiązania do tabeli.
Uwaga: jedna część tekstu pasuje do dwóch pytań.

A. In 1848, the Niagara Falls were already a tourist attraction, and villages had grown up on both the U.S. and Canadian sides of the river to accommodate the crowds of sightseers. But on March 29th, shortly before midnight, a farmer who had gone out for a stroll noticed that something was wrong. When he went to the edge of the Niagara River, he saw hardly any water. At dawn on March 30th, people awoke to an unusual silence. The mighty Niagara was just a trickle. Fish were dying. Turtles and other creatures living in the river were clumsily working their way through the mud. People walked on the exposed river bed, eager to discover what had been hidden below the water surface, ignoring the fact they might be swept away if the water suddenly started flowing. They picked up old daggers and tomahawks as souvenirs.

No one knew why the falls had stopped flowing. The telegraph was still a new invention. Railroads already served towns on both sides of the river, but the tracks were unreliable, and Buffalo, the nearest big city, was three hours away even when the trains ran on time. Yet it was from Buffalo that the first news about the problem eventually arrived. It turned out that strong southwest winds had pushed huge chunks of ice to the north-eastern tip of Lake Erie which blocked the water flow and created an ice dam.

C. When water stopped flowing on March 29th, people started coming from nearby cities and towns to see what had happened. No water flowed over the falls all day on March 30th and throughout the daylight hours of March 31st. But that night, a distant low-pitched noise came from upriver. It got nearer and louder. Suddenly, a wall of water came down the upper Niagara River and over the falls with a giant thunder. The river was running again.
adapted from

In which paragraph does the author mention
1. the overall duration of the unusual phenomenon?
2. risky behaviour motivated by curiosity?
3. what caused the Niagara Falls to dry up?
4. the negative impact of the small amount of water in the river?