Przeczytaj oferty miejsc wartych zwiedzenia. Do każdego z podanych zdań (4.1.–4.7.) przyporządkuj właściwą ofertę (A–E). Wpisz odpowiednią literę w każdą rubrykę tabeli. Niektóre litery mogą być użyte więcej niż jeden raz. Za każde poprawne rozwiązanie otrzymasz 1 punkt.
A. Oxford and Blenheim Palace Tour
Oxford is England’s oldest university, dating back to the 11th century. Come and see its impressive colleges, famous libraries and other buildings, in which well-known scientists made their discoveries. Then, visit Blenheim Palace, which is located in Woodstock, just 8 miles from Oxford. It was built to reward John Churchill for his victory over the French in 1704.
B. Kenwood House
Set in the beautiful park of Hampstead Heath, Kenwood House is one of the most magnificent visitor attractions. This elegant villa houses a superb collection of portraits by great Elizabethan masters. Don’t miss the chance for an educational walk through woods and meadows full of rabbits, birds and butterflies.
C. Beamish Museum
Beamish Museum, set in over 300 acres, recreates life in the North of England in the early 1800s. Guides wearing 19th century clothes welcome visitors and explain how local people lived and worked then. Step on board our trams and we’ll transport you into the past. A favourite of British directors, the place has been used as a location for many historical drama series.
D. Weald and Downland Open Air Museum
This is a very special place with a fascinating collection of nearly 50 old houses, dating from the 13th to the 19th century. They have been saved from destruction and rebuilt to their original form. You can see a majestic farmhouse from Kent, a market hall from Hampshire, a Victorian school and a medieval shop. Walk around this unique place and feel as if you were on a film set.
E. The Cuming Museum
The museum tells the history of Southwark through many unusual objects. It will be of interest to those who like archaeology and social and natural history. Opened in 1906, the museum was a gift from a father and son, Richard and Henry Cuming, who for over 100 years put together these unique items. The museum offers a variety of activities for visitors, including making historical costumes.
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