Mowa zależna ćwiczenia – exercises – Present Simple

Ćwiczenie. Mowa zależna – cofanie czasu Present Simple

Complete the sentences using reported speech (Present Simple into Past Simple)
Example: "He's funny." - You said that he was funny.

1. "I want to work abroad." - She said that .
2. "We're happy." - They said that .
3. "Jim is tired." - He said that .
4. "We don't know." - They said .
5. "Amy is happy." - You said that .
6. "I'm fine." - You said that .
7. "Kate doesn't love him." - You said that .
8. "He's right." - They said that .
9. "I don't speak Italian." - You said that .
10. "We don't like her." - You said that .