Ćwiczenia Gramatyka - ćwiczenia Question tags ćwiczenia – angielski 17 lipca, 201524 lutego, 2017 Admin ćwiczenia, question tags TEORIA ĆWICZENIA Z QUESTION TAGS Question tags w języku angielskim – ćwiczenia Wpisz odpowiednie question tags Przykład: He was handsome, wasn't he? 1. She can't swim, ?2. You'll visit me, ?3. There were only three chairs, ?4. You're going to move out, ?5. They've won a trip to Italy, ?6. They shouldn't eat so much, ?7. Josh has seen this movie five times, ?8. She's got a tablet, ?9. You haven't seen you neighbour for five days, ?10. He's so creative, ?